Elizabeta Kuzevska

Consultant in Macedonia (FYROM)

Elizabeta Kuzevska

Consultant in Macedonia (FYROM)

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My name is Elizabeta Kuzevska. Nine years ago I was diagnosed with a tumor on the right ovary. The tumor was immediately removed with surgery. Three months later in the regular medical control, I was told that the tumor had spread to the left ovary and I had to have it removed. A biopsy of the tumor concluded that the tumor was benign. That’s why I tried to remove it naturally. According to the doctors, an operation was the only way to remove the tumor. Firmly, I decided to try to eliminate the tumor naturally. I began to inquire a natural way to remove it. A colleague at work gave me the recipe which has exercised and by which she removed the cysts in the uterus. I had nothing to lose, and I decided to try it. At the same time, I made changes to my diet and started drinking more tea. Three months later, in the normal control, I was informed that the tumor had retired. http://mylifewithnodrugs.com/how-i-healed-a-tumor-without-drugs/

I set up this site with the intention to help people around the world to live a healthy lifestyle.

Most of the home recipes inside My Life With No Drugs cannot be found elsewhere. I believe that we all need to take care of our health and I encourage everyone to take advantage of the full range of healing resources available to us. Most importantly, I urge everyone to be an active participant in his or her health and wellbeing in a truly integrative way.