Elaine Cohen
Founder of Beyond Business Ltd, (2005) CSR consulting and Sustainability Reporting firm, serving global clients. We have supported more than 50 client report publications to date.
Author of CSR for HR: A necessary partnership for advancing responsible business practices (Greenleaf, 2010)
Author of Understanding G4 (Sept 2013) a compact guide to GRI G4 next-generation Sustainability Reporting and author of Sustainability Reporting for SMEs: (Feb 2013),both published by www.dosustainability.com, as well as chapters in two other books on responsible management and other articles and published papers.
Speaker, conference facilitator, writer, report reviewer, blogger on CSR/sustainability topics. Love having fun with Sustainability Reports.
Chair of annual Smarter Sustainability Reporting Conference each Spring in London www.sb-reporting.net
Love all kinds of ice-cream, any time, anywhere