Elaine Huba

Personal Trainer in Calgary

Elaine Huba

Personal Trainer in Calgary

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Hi! I'm Elaine Huba, an award-winning personal trainer who likes exercise. But not too much.

I also like to feel bare-skin-comfortable all year round so I can jet off on a last-minute tropical vacation if the occasion ever arose. As such, I’m really good at designing effective workouts with powerful exercises that get results in less time.

I love my job. I help you find that sweet spot in life, where fitness and eating healthily fit seamlessly in. Even though getting and staying in shape is work, you’ll be surprised that it can be far less complicated than the fitness industry would suggest.

I’m excited to discover your sweet spot. I want you to be comfortable in your body. And I want you to spend more time living.

  • Work
    • PT Director
  • Education
    • Bachelor of Science, Kinesiology
    • Certified Personal Trainer, CSEP
    • Certified Nutrition Coach, PN