Texas Realtor in Dallas, Texas
Elaine Copeland can help improve consumer communications!
Experienced Team Lead In account and consumer Services, demonstrating supportive client support in property management, benefits, and retail ecommerce has served as a team lead trainer for a large eCommerce software company supervisor for Tier 1 and Tier II support and has experience in digital analysis for intraday call center dashboard management for phone and chat communications for high volume orders, customer retention, surveys and claims in B2B and B2C operations. Adept at prospecting, SEO outreach with social media, business development, and pubic speaking, Attending Dallas County Community College.
As a native Texan and as a life-long learner, Elaine conducts research as a citizen scientist is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa honors program. Her service work includes: Preservation Dallas past membership chair, Native Prairies of North Texas volunteer , and volunteers each year for kids in Destination Imagination, plays ukulele, and cares for the Trinity River Audubon project.
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