Elizabeth Crowley

Athens, Ga

Hi there. It was nice of y'all to stop by today. You're probably wondering who I am, so I'll cut to the chase. I'm an editorial assistant for the University of Georgia Press, and I love what I do. Besides that, I try to do yoga. Caveat: sometimes I fall over in half moon and always fall over in crow. I day dream about being a pet owner. I practice hand lettering weekly, but am not sure if I'm improving. My ideal Saturday is spent reading in bed. My favorite books are young adult ones. When I'm not reading YA, I'm writing it (but for myself, not for you [read: am terrified of showing my work] ).

Oh, and I have a blog. About books. turning over new (and old) leaves

  • Work
    • University of Georgia Press
  • Education
    • University of Georgia