Noel Elkareh

Athens, Ga

Noel Elkareh

Athens, Ga

“Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful”
-Joshua J. Marine

As I began to pack my bags and say my final good bye’s, I felt feelings that I had never experienced before, alone, empty, and lost. Not only did I just graduate High School and was moving on to College, but I was leaving my parents and hometown of Orlando, Florida to start a new life in Suwanee, Georgia. My parents had always taught me to stay strong and to overcome any obstacle coming my way with courage and dignity, but this was a bump in the road like no other.

Growing up, the University of Florida seemed like an ideal school to attend to pursue my academic career of being a Pharmacist. As time got closer to graduating high school I realized I couldn’t see myself spending the next six years of my there, but that the University of Georgia was the right fit for me. I finally decided to attend Georgia Gwinnett College for the first three semesters of college and to transfer to UGA as soon as I could in hopes of being accepted into their College of Pharmacy.

And now here I am, the individual I am today has been the result of different aspects of my life such as my, Lebanese heritage, religion, family, friends, tragic moments, amazing experiences, and dreams.

  • Education
    • University of Georgia