Emily Kerns

Emily Kerns

As a master harmonizer/singer, Emily the "performer" was discovered at a young age so she left the palm trees of Florida for the ones in Los Angeles. That's where thousands of hours of acting and singing lessons led to some success. An Albert Brooks movie. Oliver Stone's "Nixon" where she played James Wood's daughter and Clueless with Alicia Silverstone. Oh and a series regular on the Clueless TV series, "Whatever". Performed at the Groundlings and the Comedy Store on the Sunset Strip.

Emily studied Buddhism and Hinduism for many years. And became a Reiki practitioner as well as a certified Energetic Healer. She had a few other careers while serving her sentence in Los Angeles. She worked as a cater waiter to the stars, was an outside sales rep for The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, outside sales for West Coast Beauty Supply and was a business consultant for the TV show "The Apprentice-LA". As if that wasn't enough she worked at Icon International, a photo syndication agency, as their GO TO for reviving dead accounts. Oh, and an occasional gig as a clown at kids birthday parties-nothing prepares you for life more than kids trying to pull off your nose.

After the glitz and glamour of Hollywood faded, she began flexing her entrepreneurial muscles. Opening a CURVES for women. Ran it successfully and sold it for a tidy profit. Then, opened another woman's fitness franchise. That's when she realized she enjoy the business world much more than the business of show.

The big Hollywood dream never materialized. But, following the logic that everything happens for reason--remember she studied Buddhism and Hinduism which taught her that Everything happens For me not To me. So, all those successes, rejections, ups and downs have prepared her for "Now". Emily's ability to talk to anyone and think on her feet helped her enormously in her acting career and, especially now in the business world. She feels comfortable and at home interacting with people. And still loves to sing, especially 80's music!