Emily Dewire

Plympton, MA

Grew up in a large family from Duxbury, MA. Played sports all my life, including skiing, field hockey, tennis and sailing. Attended Boston College, and Universite De Fribourg, Suisse. Double major in French and Political Science. Travelled extensively throughout my life chasing snow capped mountains and oceans to play in. Spent a solid ten years working in the Financial Services Industry. Also spent most of my life in Sales in the Sporting Goods Industry. We currently live in Plymouth, MA. Have a beautiful family, and I love my job at MTI! I garden for both a hobby and side jobs. I play on my paddleboard on weekends with my 6 year old daughter, Annabelle. The light of my life.

  • Work
    • MTI Adventurewear
  • Education
    • Boston College & Universite De Fribourg, SUISSE