Eric Goranson

Consultant, Small Business Owner, and Lobbyist in Des Moines, IA

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Most of my career has been committed to helping businesses and nonprofits either raise capital or engage at the capitol. I'm currently the owner of my own lobbying firm advocating for clients spanning multiple industries, including: healthcare, education, industry associations, retail, and others. I also consult organizations on branding and marketing strategies as well as public affairs strategies. I'm always volunteering with nonprofit and civic organizations and looking to make an impact for my clients and my community. Personal Interests include cycling, motorcycles, hunting, enivoronmental issues, education/school choice policy, backpacking, camping, church activities, and soccer/football. I have been married to my wife for 21 years and have two children. Opinions on connected sites my own.

  • Work
    • Goranson Consulting
  • Education
    • William Penn University (B.A.)