Erik Valind

New York City

Erik Valind is a freelance photographer, born and raised on the Florida beaches, now residing in the heart of New York City. Specializing in commercial lifestyle photography and environmental portraiture - airy and energetic imagery is what defines his style and vision. Inspired by the form, activity and diversity of people, Erik has channeled this to help shape the public image of numerous brands and campaigns.

Erik has been recognized by Westcott as one of their Elite Top Pro Photographers, and shares his visual approach, techniques and passion for photography internationally, speaking at major photo conferences, as an author, and online as a Kelby Training Instructor and through CreativeLIVE. Between shoots he can found teaching workshops and seminars empowering other photographers to overcome adverse lighting conditions, to conquer off camera lighting, and to get the absolute best from their subjects.

  • Work
    • Erik Valind Photography