Erin Shelton

Erin Shelton

Hi there! I’m Erin Shelton, a native of South Louisiana and lover of all things pretty. Check out my blog about the pretty things in life- fabric, color, good design, sparkles, and the unexpected journey it can take you on.

My background is based in fashion design. A degree pursued to counter the impersonal fashions that were and are still flooding the marketplace. This degree has lead me on an unexpected journey that has broadened my design eye beyond the scope originally intended. My profession now finds me doing contract work for a mix of both interior and fashion projects. A path that has increased my love of fabrics, tailored design, and individual expression.

Fun Facts:

My influence includes so many things, but starts with nostalgia. My idol is Audrey Hepburn. My infatuation began young and started with her sense of style. The appreciation grew even more when I learned of her grace and poise, and then her philanthropic work.

My undergraduate degree is in fashion design, but I considered majoring in biology and history before fully committing to fashion only. These subjects are still passions of mine today.

Thrift store shopping, garage saling, and vintage hunting are all things that bring me pure joy. I like unique pieces that have a story to tell. Something hard to find in today’s traditional marketplace.

Color is my favorite color. With a hint of green and blue.

I am a bit of a type A personality. Sometimes I take myself a little too seriously, something I am working on. I would say I have succeeded a whee bit at this endeavor as I would have classified myself as triple type A personality in college.

Reading is one of my favorite things on the planet to do. It wasn’t always, but once I picked up Harry Potter in high school, I was hooked.

I love chocolate. So much. It’s kind of ridiculous. I will leave my home at any hour of the day to get said chocolate if a craving strikes. I’ve tried fighting it, but it’s never been very useful. It releases endorphins and has antioxidants, right?

My family is the most important thing to me. I say this sincerely. They are incredible people that have supported and encouraged me throughout my life. I would not be pursuing the life I am now if it were not for them.