Erin Eggleston

Community Manager, Marketer, and Growth Hacker in Chicago, Illinois

I am a Michigan Native that grew up on a small farm on the Indiana border. There, I not only learned the value of a strong work ethic, but also the importance of helping others.

Although I love nature and all things that chirp, sing, bark and moo, I thrive in the hustle and bustle of city life. I currently reside in Chicago, IL and am seeking employment. I am currently looking for a role that will inspire healthier habits in everyday life.

I went to school at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan, where I studied Public Relations and Nonprofit Leadership. Since 2012, I have spent time working for a variety of nonprofits including, the United Way, Girls on the Run, the YMCA and the Kalamazoo Literacy Council.

In 2014, I moved to Chicago and was bit by the start-up bug! I have had the pleasure of working with several companies including:

RadPad, a one-stop rental app.

I was the Community Manager from June 2014-Nov 2015. I managed a team of 30 people, helped the company grow from 20,000 to over 250,000 active users in less than a year and had a huge role in improving their customer experience.

Cliq, a casual networking app.

I worked with them briefly to create an event based marketing program to intro new users to the platform and increase user retention.

Buddytruk, on-demand delivery & moving.

I was the Community Manager from Nov 2015-Jan 2016. In that short time I recruited/managed a fleet of drivers and increased monthly usage by an average of 16%.

As an animal lover, vegan and yogi, I am energetic, compassionate and encouraging. I greatly enjoy sharing my joy for life with those around me and strongly believe that a smile is everyone's best accessory.

If you are interested in hiring me, working for me or would just like to connect with me, please reach out via email, Facebook or Twitter!

Thank you! :D

  • Work
    • Social Media Consultant for Lenee's Bridal
  • Education
    • Western Michigan University
    • Public Relations