erin o'malley

erin o'malley

Sometimes I think everything is always ABOUT ME...but I know it's not. it's about God and his grace toward you and ME. I know he loves you just as much as he loves me and vice versa. My identity and sense of worth centers around the concept that I really am his child, a completely unique creation, and what it implies. My mission is to share His love and His light . I have felt his love and there are moments when I know he is pleased with ME and my efforts to become more like him as I do his will.

My true ambition has always been to be a good wife and mother. As such, my family has been a source of much joy and suffering. I am learning to be more resilient by looking for the good, connecting with others and challenging myself to do hard things. I emphasize these concepts in my work with at risk children and youth. My testimony of Jesus Christ continues to strengthen me and give me much peace in my daily journey.