Eryn Morgan

Pittsburgh, PA

Eryn Morgan

Pittsburgh, PA

Eryn Morgan knows what it takes to succeed in college and in life. She founded the College Mentorship Academy on the "new way" to succeed in college, and works directly with college students to connect college to the real world.

Through the College Mentorship Academy, Eryn helps open-minded college students get motivated to find a career path they'll love, and then form the connections to launch that career. Students can dream big dreams and succeed. The key to success? Start making connections because Real Life Starts Now!

Eryn is committed to connecting college students with the real world in a fun, not-too-serious way, teaching them HOW to form meaningful connections with adults. Eryn engages with parents, too, empowering them to encourage their students and become a partner in their connection process.

Reach out to start making college amazing today!

  • Work
    • Founder of the College Mentorship Academy
  • Education
    • University of Pittsburgh