Nicholas Pierotti

Santa Cruz, California

"Hello, my name is Nick Pierotti, and I'm running for President of the United States. I'm going to fight Wall Street and I'm going to end the Wars and bring our brave sons and daughters home, so that they don't have to keep dying for Wall Street and for big Oil. I'll take that money that we're spending on these Wars, and take the money that we're bailing out Wall Street with, and I'll use it to rebuild the infrastructure of this great country. Use it to give jobs to the working people of America. We'll rebuild this country- together." I'm running as an independent candidate for President of the United States. Wall Street criminals have ruled over this country for too long. They own both houses of Congress. They own both Political parties. Obama dangles from their puppet strings. Isn't it time to put a man of the People back into the White House? A man who will take War dollars, and money that Congress and Obama currently funnel into Wall Street bailouts and War, and redirect that money into jobs for the Working People of America, rebuilding the infrastructure of this country, and making of our nation the Shining City on a Hill we were meant to be, instead of the slave state of the corporate multinationals. I'll NEVER bail out Wall Street. Competition is built into the nature of Capitalism. Those who support and back a capitalist system must support and back the consequences. Capitalist performance is Darwinian. If you cannot perform, you must be allowed to go under. We should never pour money into large financial organizations whose performance has been proven to be inadequate; organizations built upon the labor of exploited working people. You don’t perform? That is the breaks of the game. We do not reward failure. Wouldn't you like a President who isn't bought and paid for? Wouldn't you like a President who speaks for you? A President who speaks for the Working People of America. Who does not follow the orders of the rich and the corporations who have the money to buy their own mouthpieces to broadcast their vested interests... That President is Me. Make me your President, and I will speak for YOU. Nobody pulls my strings. I am running for President as the head of a new third party that stands for the People, unlike the bought-and-paid-for Republicans and Democrats, who answer only to Wall Street and the rich. This party will break the gridlock in Congress. I want to fill the Congress with factory workers and farmers, line cooks and laborers; people who

  • Work
    • Candidate for President of the United States 2016
  • Education
    • Soquel High School
    • Aptos High School
    • University of California, Santa Cruz
    • UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management