Stan Wardsworth

Stan Wardsworth

Stan Wardsworth...

... has dedicated his life to the pursuit of happiness...of others.

Executive Director of Ezra Project, Inc., an Atlanta area nonprofit whose focus is seeing equal quality education available regardless of economic or social privilege. For Stan the means of accomplishing that is building strong alliances with community organizations, developing academic programs, and fortifying a strong coalition that makes lasting community change.

Our mission"to provide programmatic leadership and guidance to Atlanta area organizations whose focus is on academic and social development"

Key Accomplishments

Ezra Project, Inc. (EP) – An Atlanta Public School [community] partner, we serve the educational community through developing academic programs that "provide structured academic and social guidance to youth at-risk of non-exposure to such critically important components of life."

Pedagogy Learning Academy – As a part of our diligence in ensuring that quality education is properly dispensed, EP will petition for a 2014 K-8 public Charter School in Fulton County Georgia. The school will boast of a technological project-based curriculum focus that begins from kindergarten - 8th grade. Service learning will be a way of life. A learning environment will be cultivated where extreme expectations are just the way it is.

Pedagogy online platform where education knows no bounds – another arm of our academic and social efforts are international. Georgia Institute of Technology professors and students, as a community service learning project – sound familar? – have chosen EP as an organizational model to perform the rebranding initiative that EP has embarked on in its efforts to target a specific audience with maximum effect.

Pedagogy Online is - - an online platform where multi media technology is used to creatively express educational information. A 21st century way to disseminate and receive educational information on one platform.

Note: Due to technical difficulties Pedagogy Online is currently temporarily down - check back soon.

Our mission is the field. Our strength is in numbers. Our foe is formidable.