Faranak Kamangar
Dermatologist and Department Chair in Palo Alto, ca
Faranak Kamangar
Dermatologist and Department Chair in Palo Alto, ca
Hi There! This is Dr. Fara Kamangar, MD. Does the world need doctors with engineering degrees? YES! I am an example of why this dual degree works. Here are a few things that I do: I am the Chair of my dermatology department at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, I am the chair of San Francisco Dermatological Society–one of the oldest Derm societies in the country! I consult in Health Tech and Telehealth. I am the founder of www.PsoTelehealth.com. My other passions are mentoring medical students and residents, and medical mission trips abroad.
As you can tell I also went to school for a little bit (14 years or so). I have an engineering background, and went on to medical school and became a board certified dermatologist.
- Biotechnology–BS, UC Davis
- University of California, Davis, School of Medicine, Medical Degree
- Clinical Research Post Graduate, Stanford University
- CPMC, internal medicine internship
- University of California, San Francisco, Psoriasis Immunotherapy Fellowship
- UC Davis Department of Dermatology Residency- Board Certified Dermatologist