peter figueredo

Founding Partner & Brainstorm Chaser, Netx

Work Experience: Peter started his career at market leader Nielsen Media Research helping to establish the foundation for what is now Nielsen NetRatings. In the late 90’s he worked at interactive agency pioneer i-traffic, contributing to the launch of their Performance Marketing division. In 2001 he co-founded NETexponent, today known as Netx.

Industry Contributions: Peter is a regular speaker at conferences such as ad:tech, Commission Junction University, Google conferences, Search Engine Strategies and Affiliate Summit. In addition, he is an active member of the OldTimers Group, a founding member of the Performance Marketing Alliance (PMA), and a committee member of the Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization (SEMPO). His experience and insights are frequently used to help financial investors in the online marketing sector, awards contests like the Webbys, and of course clients of Netx. Peter has even been an expert witness for a groundbreaking court case in the field of online marketing trademark law.

Personal Items: An avid runner, Peter recently completed the NYC Marathon. When not working or running, he spends time with his wife and baby girl.