Fiona Gilbert

Biohacker, Wellness Concierge, and Exercise Physiologist in Redwood City, California

Fiona Gilbert

Biohacker, Wellness Concierge, and Exercise Physiologist in Redwood City, California

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Fiona’s life has always been about helping people access their hidden strengths. But she didn’t know how much hidden strength she had until she was diagnosed with a demyelinating neurological condition. Its effects were so devastating that she believed she had no options left.

With nothing left to lose, she started experimenting with various multidisciplinary protocols, including bioenergy technology. This method, known as biohacking, gave Fiona back her physical and mental health. It saved her life.

Fiona, now an exercise physiologist, knew that If a solution existed for her, it existed for everyone. Whether someone is suffering from a serious condition, struggling with their mental health, recovering from an injury, or simply wants to tap into their body’s potential, Fiona helps them create personalized and accessible protocols so they can live life on their own terms.

Fiona entire life is driven by creating more opportunities for individuals. She supports Home for Our Troops because she believes in accessible homes for our injured veterans. She served on the Board of Advisors for Nepal Orphan’s Home, the organization from which she adopted her children. She volunteers every year in the burn unit and physical therapy department at Kirtipur Hospital in Kathmandu. There, she lectures on rehab techniques, biohacking, and teaches bedside manner and patient care to their surgeons. As a member of the Rotary Club of Menlo Park, Fiona mentors first-generation students to help them gain a college education.

Driven by her love and respect for her service dog Koda, she also speaks out against breed-specific legislation and policies, which discriminate against dogs and their owners. These policies often reduce access and opportunity for people with disabilities.

  • Work
    • Fiona Gilbert, Inc.