Food Safety

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Food safety means knowing how to prevent the spread of bacteria when buying, preparing and storing food. The good news is that you can contain the bacteria behind food-borne diseases by playing it safe when buying, preparing, and storing food. Unsafe foods can also spread bacteria such as campylobacter (pronounced kam - pye - lower - bak - tur) and salmonella.

Safe handling of food is as easy as discarding expired milk and washing fruit and vegetables. On the one hand, it is important to have a good understanding of the different types of bacteria in food, such as Campylobacter and Salmonella.

While these measures are important, they can have serious consequences, such as death, illness and even death from food poisoning. Not surprisingly, 48 million Americans contract poisoned food each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The principles of food safety prevent food from being contaminated and causing food poisoning. No matter why you use food, it is important that you always apply the right food and safety principles. You can't see, taste or even smell the bacteria that cause food poisoning, but you can taste a tiny bit of contaminated food, and that's all you need.

There are a number of potential food-handling hazards, many of which have serious consequences, such as food poisoning, food-borne illnesses and food contamination.

Do not ask, do not spread food pathogens, which increases the risk of food-related diseases that you want to avoid, such as food poisoning and food-related diseases. Diseases that are monitored and potentially transmitted by food in Australia, and many that are preventable, can occur as a result of food mishandling, poor hygiene and poor food safety practices.

Fresh fruit and vegetables should be rinsed off with cold water, but not raw poultry meat or eggs, experts advise. For decades, the Ministry of Agriculture has advised that raw chicken, pork, beef, lamb, poultry and eggs be washed in cold, fresh water for at least 30 seconds before washing.

Over the past decade, food-borne pathogens have sickened an estimated 48 million Americans, hospitalized 128,000 and killed 3,000, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Still, you should always take the food safety precautions that you usually take in the kitchen to avoid food-related illness, "said Dr. Michael J. Pfeiffer, director of the Center for Food.