Franklin Sterns

Actor in California

Franklin Sterns

Actor in California

On stage, Franklin Sterns has played such notable characters as Lazar Wolf (the butcher from "Fiddler on the Roof"), Charlie Cowell (The anvil Salesman and nemesis of Harold Hill in "Music Man") and Mr. Brownlow in "Oliver!" Franklin appeared on stage with his wife and young children in a series of children's plays at Excalibur Theatre and Canyon Club, where he learned how to dance balancing a bottle on his head. Franklin was trained in Improvisation by Avery Schreiber, and was a member of the Political Satire Improvisation troupe "The Moving Targets," which appeared in venues across Los Angeles, Chicago, and Phoenix. For a decade every October, Franklin laced up scary apparel, and frightened guests to tears at "Spooky House Haunted theme Park."
In Movies and Television, Franklin can be seen as a hippie, psych patient, cowboy, homeless person, bumbling news anchor, aging Rock Star, or various other unique and interesting characters.
When Franklin is not acting in front of the camera, he is co-producing funny movies for "Hundred Watt Films."

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