Gabe Thexton

Web Developer, Father, and Broncos Fan in Johnstown, Colorado

Your 'Why'​ is paramount.

Lose it and you will fail.

Hold it in high regard and you will re-define success.

Steve Jobs said that the journey is the reward and he was right. I'm now embarking on a new leg of the journey and studying Full Stack Web Development at Galvanize Fort Collins.

I spent the last 7+ years working at Apple, it was challenging, changing, and revealed my passion for people and their development.

I've worked in education, technology and hospitality. I take pride in my training, solution development, and problem solving skills. I am a Certified Boot Camp for New Dads Master Coach, an Apple Certified Macintosh Technician (ACMT) and am A+ Certified. I'm always interested in whatever's new and next. Where can we journey together?

  • Work
    • Species.Design