Gabrielle Stevens

New York

Hello World,

It is nice to officially make your acquaintance. I have been planning and studying for years now of how I would start a meaningful blog, full of useful content based on my coined concept, The "Sociological-Demographics of Fashion" by Orilas Inc. If you think that's redundant, so is society, Hahahaha, just joking.

Before righting this blog I just wanted to make sure I did some ground work first.

Truthfully none can talk about something they don't know about, right?

That is why I took an amount of years on different learning paths all to lead back to one truth, Fashion and Art are truly the medication for Politics and I declare they are necessary to life it self. As a learner of Art beginning at the age of 2, to an observer of Fashion for the last several years I have realized Fashion, Art and the World Politics have much in common.

To be an observer you must first have experience with multiple views to experience and authentic neutral one ( or at least a truly objective perspective ). I have had years of experience and I am blessed being exposed to many different cultures.

I am a member of the National Honors Society for High School Scholars. I have gone to multiple Colleges, to study Psychology, International Business Marketing and Advertising, Criminal Justice and Fashion Design. I am a scholar of the Social Science of Fashion, and this is the beginning of my personal transcripts.

Weather it be Wars, World politics and Public Policies, or even law making, Fashion (as well as art) is one of the strongest necessities in life. I declare that it is just as important as the medical Industry but even more challenging.Yet it still has the strength to relate to every last aspect of the society in which we live in today.

I declare Fashion to have the power to save the Earth.

~ Elle Stevens~ Orilas Inc.

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