Matteo Gagliardi

The Analyst. Sounds like a fairly conceited title to give to your first blog. But it's more of a reflection of where I want to go than where I'm at now. I want to smash the news and current affairs open, deconstruct it all and draw out the overarching threads which connect the news together in a tapestry that reveals the way the world works. This is the art of analysis - extrapolating from simple news stories the bigger picture of everything - and I want to master it.

My name is Matteo Gagliardi and I am aspiring to become a journalist to achieve this very goal. Ever since my days at school learning subjects like history, philosophy, the natural sciences and sociology, I began to understand that everything is in a state of change. But, today more than ever the world is undergoing a massive transformation; we can see this in the way technology and scientific knowledge is rapidly advancing and the way society the world writ large is being organised.

I am now in my final year studying Journalism and International Studies at The University of South Australia and thanks to my university experience I have travelled the world, opened my mind and gained valuable experience in the lead up to my career. I was given the opportunity to do an exchange in Ottawa, Canada and was accepted to take part of the Global Voices' delegation to the United Nations' climate change conference in Doha.

At current, I am interning at The Conversation, the Web Editor of my university publication, UniLife Magazine, a radio presenter for a national current affairs radio program, The Wire, as well as operating my own blog. Links to my work can be found below.

Thanks for your interest.