Geoffrey McCorkle

Technology Architect, Father, and Cyclist in Dallas, Texas

Geoffrey McCorkle

Technology Architect, Father, and Cyclist in Dallas, Texas

I'm an architect. Whether I'm working with Wood, Metal or a computer I can build whatever your mind can imagine.

I prefer to work in a team environment with coworkers who are passionate about what they develop. I have a passion for tackling enterprise solutions for 50,000+ employees or more.

Too many times, I've been a part of conversations complaining about a product that constantly fails and requires a full time support staff. Those are the products I enjoy replacing. We can develop them from scratch, add in as much automation as possible and allow those employees time to focus on real items to improve the business.

Remember, there are no limits in technology. If another has built it and it fails, you can build a better version.

  • Work
    • Charter Communications, Inc.