Student and Web Developer in Jamugurihat, India
Student and Web Developer in Jamugurihat, India
Gamiripal is a small village which is situated in Sonitpur district of Assam. It is not a huge area rather it is covered by an area of about 1.44sq. Km. The neighbor villages of Gamiripal are Guwalpam, talakabari, khalihamari, panpur etc.. The village Gamiripal is accompanied by a river "Ghiladhari" which is flooded from Arunachal pradesh and terminated in the river Brahmaputra River.
* Population *
As the area of Gamiripal village is not so huge, The population of this area is not high. According to the census report the population of this area is about 1100.Among these population 80% people belongs to Nepali community, 8% belongs to Bengali, 7% belong to assamese and 5% belongs to other communities. Among 1100 peoples male population is about 650and female population is about 450 persent.
* Educational Institute *
Gamiripal is a very well educated place. It has 1 Govt. L.P. School, 1 Govt. M.E. School and 1 Govt. High School. Some English and assamese medium Private sector schools are also available in this area. Gamiripal M. E School is Estd. in the year 1925.