Gary J Sprouse MD

Physician in Maryland

Gary J Sprouse MD

Physician in Maryland

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A physician caring for people in the Chester, Maryland, area, Gary J. Sprouse, MD, has operated a private primary care practice at Queen Anne’s Medical Center for more than 30 years. His professional interests include treating opioid dependence, addressing health issues that arise in elderly patients, and stress reduction. Gary J. Sprouse, MD, also contributes to an ongoing project called the Riverside Transition House, a facility to help patients challenged by opioid and alcohol dependency.

In addition to his commitment to his private practice and to Riverside, Dr. Gary Sprouse stays active in his field through involvement with outside organizations. For example, he is a member of the Committee for Addiction Treatment and the American Society for Addiction Medicine. Moreover, he serves as president of the Queen Anne’s County Medical Society.

An aspiring author, he is currently working on books related to his primary medical interests. One book is titled “Pickles: The New Paradigm in Addiction,” and another is titled “How to Have Less Stress, A Home Visit with Dr. Sprouse.”

  • Education
    • George Washington University