Gaspé Umbac

Web Developer, Consultant, and Designer in Mandaluyong, Philippines

Gaspé Umbac

Web Developer, Consultant, and Designer in Mandaluyong, Philippines

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I am an information technology (IT) professional with more than 40 years experience working with computer systems and have had extensive experience as a programmer/systems analyst and systems/network administrator.

I am proficient in the use of various hardware computing platforms like the IBM PC, Apple MAC, etc. and operating systems like Microsoft Windows, Apple OS, Unix, Linux, and MS-DOS.

I really started out as a computer programmer and have used a variety of development systems to design, create, implement and maintain computer programs for a number of applications utilizing several software development systems including various forms of BASIC, dBASE, Clipper, Pascal, C, Visual Basic, Delphi among others.

I have worked with internet-related computer systems since 1994 and have developed, designed and maintained a number of internet web sites using a combination of various internet technologies like HTML, CSS, Javascript, AJAX, FLASH, MySQL/PHP, XML, Java, ActiveX, .Net, etc.

I am also proficient in the use of graphic design/layout software as well as video editing, presentation production software and systems.

Because of my experience in the industry and my affinity with the technical aspects of computer systems, I have designed computer systems using various platforms and hardware models integrated into an efficient and working network for the efficient processing and delivery of information to the various departments and operational units of a business entity.

I have also taught various computer-related classes in a number of computer centers in Metro Manila and elsewhere.