Gavin MacGregor

Small Business Owner, Consultant, and Signwriter in Lake Tabourie, Australia

Visit my company website

In everything I have ever done I hold a strong work ethic and education as the key to success.

I have worked in several industries, Mechanical,Signwriting, Security in a variety of positions from guarding to senior management. Disabilities (ADE), and Employment Services (DEN, DES) where I excelled in finding job placements, educational outcomes, boosting client participation and growing the service and its star ratings.

After 12 months of planning, in 2015 I opened my business, Big Dog Nation (BDN Signs). My aim is to grow my business, to be able to provide employment and training opportunities with in my local region, while providing the best service to my customers.

Within my local community I am an Active Member of my local Apex Club. I am on the board of the Milton Ulladulla Business Chamber and the Board of the Milton Ulladulla Youth Driver Education Program.

Over the course of my career I have gained quallifications in the following areas

Automotive Heavy Vehicle Plant



Business Management

Human Resourses

Training and Assessment


Work Place Rehabilitation

Drug and Alcohol Prevention

Youth Mental Health First Aid


When I can find the time to unwind I enjoy attending and competing in custom car and ute shows, attending rodeo and camp drafting events, watching motorsports and camping.

  • Work
    • Big Dog Nation (BDN signs)