George Pegios

Doctor, Psychologist, and Life Coach in Sydney, NSW, Australia

George Pegios

Doctor, Psychologist, and Life Coach in Sydney, NSW, Australia

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I am a Hypnotherapist, Master NLP Practitionerand life coach currently living in Newcastle NSW, Australia. My interests range from education to innovation. I am also interested in web development, entrepreneurship, and Hypnotherapy.

George Pegios knows some benefits of Hypnotherapy, which allows a person to perceive things differently and block pain.

George Pegios You are sure that when we talk about hypnosis each one of you imagines a different thing, and many will think that hypnosis is that which appears in television shows.

When I tell my patients that we are going to use it in their therapeutic process, many of them look at me like I'm crazy, with an expression on their faces that is a mixture of disbelief, fear and curiosity.

However the reality is that hypnosis is simply a technique that we psychologists use to help our patients, it is not harmful, it has no side effects.

George Pegios Expert in Hypnosis Clinical. You can click the button above to read my blog.

George Pegios, as a good counsellor, can empathise with a wide range of people and will be emotionally attuned to individual needs. He’s a professional who can use compassion, empathy, respect and authenticity to build genuine and trusting relationships with his clients.

George Pegios: understanding personality traits it is essential to treat the patient in the best and most efficient way possible. discovering his limitations and making him recognize them is a fundamental process of his recovery.

George Pegios What is amaxophobia?

The term amaxophobia comes from the Greek amaxos (carriage) and phobos (fear), that is, fear of driving, but it should not be confused with the apprehension suffered by many novice drivers and which disappears on its own with time and practice.

George Pegios Amaxophobia can manifest itself at any time with symptoms ranging from anxiety, agitation, or sweating at the prospect of driving a vehicle, to true, totally blocking panic attacks.

We call Amaxophobia the response of intense fear and disability that some people experience when driving a vehicle or simply thinking that they have to. In many cases, it starts with a major anxiety attack (sometimes a panic attack) while driving.

  • Work
    • George Pegios Hypnotherapy
  • Education
    • Hypnotherapy School of Newcastle