George Papadopoulos

Hospitality freelancer in Rotterdam, Netherlands

George Papadopoulos

Hospitality freelancer in Rotterdam, Netherlands

Hire me

Hi, I'm George,

I am an experienced and specialized hospitality professional residing in Rotterdam.

I am always open to offer a helping hand whether you need a hand serving breakfast, covering a night shift or standing in until you find a new Hotel Manager. Urgent need for some help? Give me a call and lets make some plans over a cup of coffee!

I also work occasionally as a photographer or a musician in my free time. My interests are many, including entrepreneurship, photography, travel and languages. I also enjoy windsurfing, cycling, and snowboarding.

You can click the button above to view my photos or follow me on one of my social pages.

  • Work
    • Hospitality Freelancer
  • Education
    • BSc Hotel Management - University TEI Crete