Gerard Parris

Micropreneur With CrowdPoint Technologies in Ontario, Canada

Visit my company website

I am part of the truly dynamic team at Crowdpoint Technologies who are changing the way people do business in a mind blowing way.

Through the use of the Blockchain, CrowdPoint's ecosystem is designed to protect your identity and personal information when you are onboarded. Today's ecommerce mega corporations are the ugliest form of surveillance capitalism where they sell your information and monitor your purchasing habits. With the CrowdPoint system you can rest assured your identity is totally secure.

CrowdPoint is building a multitude of exchanges where people can enjoy the freedom to live knowing that your privacy won't be compromised.

The reason I joined CrowdPoint is to be a part of an ethical business, supporting the independent livelihoods of folks like you and I and to make a positive difference in the lives of many, while planning for my financial independence from the corporate world.

Please visit my site to learn much more....and also my Advanced Medicine Exchange, the first of many exchanges being developed.