Georgia Everett

Hello and welcome to My Speechless Wonders. I am currently in my last year of university, studying communications, culture, media and graphic design, living in Brisbane, Australia. To say I love to travel is an understatement, I love visiting new places and experiencing new cultures more than anything else. I started this blog to shares my own travel stories and the speechless wonders that I find along the way. It has also given me a place to shares my designs and keep my creative juices flowing. To keep those creative juices flowing I include my own graphic to go along with each blog post. So you can get to know me alittle better I have answered a few questions about myself:

Favourite Place I have travelled to?

Either London, Kyoto, or the South of France. Choosing one is hard

Favourite Food I have tried whilst travelling?

Porfiteroles in Paris, changed my life.

Best travel memory?

In the summer of 2013 I travelled to Europe with my best friend for a month and came back closer than ever.