Ghazala Perveen Khan
Assistant Professor, Writer, and Volunteer in Aligarh, UP
Ghazala Perveen Khan
Assistant Professor, Writer, and Volunteer in Aligarh, UP
I remember i wrote something in Facebook." It's all about Me".....I don't know why I wanted to write that unusual blog. May be that was my one of the initial attempts in writing a smooth blog. Well it's past 6 years now..Nothing has changed over the years.. that .But frankly telling that was about 6 years ago.. I have changed a lot....Things have changed and i have developed new vision to perceive things. I still like to spend a lot of leisure time alone...But, I enjoy hanging out with friends.Describing oneself is one of the toughest job as one spends the hard time recognizing self...But, let me try my hands hard..M a Capricorn, A sea-goat, unpredictable....Born on Christmas eve...So naturally have been yearning for peace and calmness all my life...And i enjoy all doz things which have helped me grow as a better human and individual in some way.Though, I know I am not perfect and still lack the maturity somewhere. But, I try each day. Some days, I loose my balance and patience whereas on others I try to maintain my calm and composure.
On professional note; I have completed my Ph.D in Bio Instrumentation with specialization on Human Body Composition Analysis. And at present, I am working in Aligarh Muslim University. Besides this, I have keen interest on latest research updates . Human Body is my favorite area of research and I believe a lot can be studied via Human Body. In my free time you will find me engrossed in a novel, or drawing something or in a deep thought. And if that too doesn't engage me then, you will find me working on a research problem or playing with my cats. They are just adorable and a more trusted partner then most of the Humans,..;) I trust only my family(Human ones and extended cat family). I am constantly building and constructing myself for better tomorrow for this life and for the time when I have to face Allahpaak in Akhiret too. I am full of flaws, yet everyday I wake up with the hope and determination of being a better and better person. One more thing which I forgot to mention is the fact that I am Aasshiq e Rasul Hazret Mohd. (SAW) and I pray everyday to make my heart turn away from all those people who in some way hated my Rasul ( SAW). Or else, I hope to turn their hearts towards Allahpaak and his Rasul Hazret Mohd. (SAW).
I am peace loving by nature like I mentioned above..But for my Allah Paak and His Rasul(SAW) I am ready to face the battlefield. Even if that battle involves the war inside my own head.