John Koziol

Virginia Beach, Virginia

You could say that I'm a freak of nature as I stand at around 6'9.5 inches yet I have hands that have a hard enough time getting around a softball so I can't even palm a volleyball let alone a basketball. I've been happily married to my wife for what will be thirteen years this twenty-fourth of June. I believe that abortion is killing and the only time it should be done is if a woman will die through the pregnancy or if she is raped otherwise, in no certain terms, should it ever be done. I also believe that being gay or bi or trans is a mental sickness and that the person needs immediate therapy for it.

I love to write and am aspiring to become a freelance journalist. I also love to read, watch movies and stage performances, and listen to music. I love to learn about anything and anything that I possibly can. I love to travel. I am famatical about sports and history. I also enjoy going to the circus and going to the beach. I also love to learn about why people do what they do and how and why they do it.I am a firm believer in God and the Bible.

  • Work
    • Freelance Writer