Gita Wylder

San Jose, California, United States

My interest in public health began while needing friends jog with me. I was training for a full marathon (26.2 miles), and wanted company for my short runs. Little did I know this would inspire my friends and me to think about our health. Eventually, I convinced my friends races were fun, and they should try it too. I had big dreams and great ideas for my next race. Instead of a full marathon, I would run a half-marathon (13.1 miles), which would be much easier! I then started tying half-marathons into vacations. For sure, I thought my friends would "be-in"! I could no longer tell them running was for fun. I had to tell them we were running for the cool looking medals that would look great on their bedroom wall. In total, I have completed 1 full marathon, 9 half-marathons, and have 2 more half-marathons in 2014.
My career for the last fifteen years has been as an Executive Assistant Professional. After many years of hard work and dedication I reached my career goal. A few career lessons I learned along the way: interacting with people who do not have the same goals as you. People who say they want to learn, yet, take no action to learn. Dealing with difficult people, and filtering complaints. I had the pleasure of interacting with various cultures across the world; while being respectful of their opinions, and values. With each lesson, I have viewed it as a new experience and valuable lesson.
I began to think of my inspiration, to others, as a new career. Eventually, transferring to San Jose State and declaring my major in Health Science. I will graduate in December 2014, with a Bachelor Degree in Health Science, Interdisciplinary Pathways. I am confident that my skills, passion, and education have created a successful path for me in the Public Health field.

  • Education
    • San Jose State University