Give Soap A Chance

People often don't release why is hand hygiene so important, not realising that the most common way for bacteria to spread is from people’s hands coming into contact with others or surfaces, where they can then be easily picked up. Some bacteria is harmless, but much can be the cause for infection and illnesses, for example colds, flu, diarrhoea and vomiting. Poor hand hygiene is also a well known contributing factor in the spread of more serious infections such as Novovirus, Campylobacter, Impetigo and even potentially fatal MRSA.

Protecting yourself and those around you from infections is simple. Wash hands! Washing your hands properly with hot water and soap is the most effective thing you can do stop germs spreading.

You should always wash hands

  • eat or prepare food
  • wash and treat a cut/wound/any broken skin
  • enter a hospital ward

and after you…

  • Use the toilet
  • Handle uncooked foods, particularly raw meat, poultry or fish
  • Touch animals or their waste
  • sneeze/ cough/ blow your nose
  • Take out the/handle rubbish
  • Work or play in the garden (children should be encouraged in good hand hygiene)
  • Change a nappy
  • Touch a sick or injured person
  • Visit a hospital ward
People don't just forget to wash their hands regularly, they often don't do it properly, leaving germs lurking! Soap and hot water should always be used , and every part of the hand needs to be cleaned, not forgetting the wrist and elbows and under jewellery. More bacteria can be found hiding under a ring then there are people in Europe! Here's a video demonstrating just how to make your hands squeaky clean and germ free...
To join the Give Soap a Chance Campaign and to help spread good hand hygiene instead of germs, have a look at these hand-washing posters, either for your workplace or schools. Let people around you know the benefits of washing hands!