Gloria Mayfield Banks

Public Speaker and Mentor in Baltimore, Maryland

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Gloria Mayfield Banks is an extraordinary woman. She is a leadership coach, mentor, sales trainer, and seasoned motivational success strategist whose passion is helping people achieve extraordinary lives. She is an expert in life skills and leadership skills and uses her knowledge and skills to motivate winners to live up to their full potential. Her empowering teaching style and inspirational coaching makes Gloria the embodiment of “Energy in Motion!”

Gloria’s effective leadership teachings and unique approach to motivating others has proven to be effective for both men and women from all across the globe. Throughout her career, Gloria has trained and coached professional men and women on six continents and has helped thousands of people actualize their potential and unlock new levels of success in their fields.

Gloria Mayfield Banks has garnered respect as a thought leader and a highly sought-after influencer in the motivational and leadership strategy fields. Gloria has been featured alongside some of the most prominent leaders in the country across a variety of platforms. She has appeared with Darren Hardy, Grant Cardone, and Oprah Winfrey, and has guested on programs including CNN with Soledad O’Brien, CNBC with Donny Deutsch, and ABC.

Throughout her professional career, Gloria has built a multi-million-dollar enterprise; she is both an Elite Executive National Sales Director with Mary Kay, Inc., and she is a founding partner of a corporate event planning company called Charisma Factor. Gloria has also recently branched out as an author and has recently published Quantum Leaps, a lifestyle and leadership book which details ten steps that are proven to to help both men and women succeed in business and in life.

Despite facing a great amount of adversity in life, Gloria Mayfield Banks has never shied away from difficult situations. Instead of letting them keep her down, she has consistently beaten the odds to accomplish incredible success in her life. Gloria defied her dyslexia and went on to earn her Bachelor’s degree from Howard University, her MBA from Harvard University, and an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.

Gloria’s fervent drive and unending energy stem from her extremely active lifestyle and her desire for personal growth. Gloria travels frequently, both for business and pleasure, and openly embraces the opportunities she has to learn from new cultures.

Gloria currently resides in Baltimore with her husband, Ken

  • Work
    • Charisma Factor; Mary Kay, Inc
  • Education
    • Harvard Business School