Hello my name is Glorilu, welcome to my about me page! First of, I want to tell you about my passion and what I like to do for others. My passion is health and fitness and I love to help people achieve their health and fitness goals. My health and fitness journey is not to look like a Barbie or be a model, is not a big body transformation like a lot of people have, is to feel good in the inside more than the outside. My transformation is more personal, Is to be a mom, care taker, believe in my self, have confidence. Is to motivate you to be healthier for you and your loved ones. I love to be active, I read for personal development and love to learn about health. I I want to be a healthy mom and that's why I decided to join beachbody, to stay healthy and active and to help others do the same. If you want to be a healthy and be a fit mom reach out to me and we can work together!!

  • Work
    • Social Security Administration