Life Coach, Personal Trainer, and Filmmaker in Alkmaar, Nederland

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Stijn CREC Gabeler born in The Netherlands, Alkmaar on the 5th of August 1977 1h11

aka @veganstijn

initiated the name GODOGOOD on the internet since 1999, providing links and content kan about charitable organisations and social projects. Since 2007 independent PRESS Journalist, Since 2012 owner of GODOGOOD INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION, I’m Stijn Gabeler is an online journalist and a life coach helping people to stop addictions as smoking or drinking, A vegetarian since 8-8-2008 living in hometown and birthplace Alkmaar, Nederland.

Stijn Gabeler isalso a global issues and EU related politics journalist and created EUIA PRESS, EUIAOJ and AEIJOU WEB to help starting Journalists to get free support and find ways to work together.

Writing blogs, songs, and watching or making movies/video content.

You can view GODOGOOD's sites and publications with a click on the button above.

Or visit one of the old domains 3NO.ONE

WhoWhat.EU or to see more details and concepts.

More at @godog / @stijngabeler

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