Ted Grajeda

User Experience Designer and Entrepreneur in Arizona

Ted Grajeda

User Experience Designer and Entrepreneur in Arizona

I am an advocate of innovation, self-motivation, ambition and transparency. I believe in grand ideas, but not for the sake ideas alone. Truly great ideas are ones that are realized, and have a positive impact on the many. I believe in seeing the big picture, but never losing site of the beauty of details. I believe in constant learning and curiosity of the world around us. I believe in the power of people, and that through collaboration we can build products greater than ourselves. I believe in setting goals and tirelessly pursuing them, even if it means failing. It’s from my failures that I’ve learned what to do, and what not too. I understand when to push, and also when to pause and listen.

These beliefs have taken me around the world (from Antarctica to Zimbabwe), and provided me the opportunity to experience different cultures and meet amazing people along the way. I’ve been able to create and collaborate on innovative products (both large and small), which have had positive impacts on millions of people around the globe.

It’s through these beliefs that I have been able to grow into the person I am today; and to have lived a successful life, both personally and professionally.