Habiba Sow

Jewelry Maker and Entrepreneur in Paris, France

Habiba Sow

Jewelry Maker and Entrepreneur in Paris, France

Visit my website

Me in one quote :

“Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show.” ― Charles Dickens, David Copperfield

And here is the longer version :

I'm a Parisian girl and a former Londoner. I am also a jewellery maker and I started selling my creations in 2018 through Etsy and now through my website thejewelsisters.com.

I have a Bachelor's degree in Translation and Film Studies. I am fluent in English, Spanish, and Arabic thanks to my Mum. I am also specialised in economic and scientific translation from English and Spanish to French, as well as literary translation, which is due to my love for books. Subtitling and localisation are also part of my skills. My strong linguistic abilities and my keen eye for detail have always been an asset in my career and during my studies.

I'm a very versatile person with a varied work experience (translation, HR, teaching...) and various interests, I always get involved in my work and activities with enthusiasm. Learning and sharing are my motto. As Paulo Coelho said, "Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions." I think that life is an everyday learning, we make mistakes and learn from them, we interact with people and learn new things, that's also why translation and languages are so important to me, they allow us to share our thoughts, our culture and ideas, without boundaries.

Besides languages, I am also passionate about dance, arts, TV series and healthy living. I banished chemicals from my life by making my own cosmetics, and I am quite obsessed with creating jewellery and other fashion accessories. Yet, I still have a weakness for sitting in quiet cafés, drinking hot chocolate and eating homemade cakes while reading a nice book or chatting with people I barely know.

I am very creative, I love drawing, and DIY projects. I really enjoy writing and blogging. I cook way too much food and bake more than enough cakes for one person. I practice various dances, yoga, pilates and body combat, let's say that the gym is my third house after my home sweet home and cafés.

If I have sparked your interest feel free to contact me, I would be delighted to get in touch and share my skills or my thoughts with you.

A bientôt !

  • Work
    • The Jewel Sisters
  • Education
    • Evry University , France