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These days there are so many different ways to pass a drug test. You might have already heard about synthetic urine, detox pills, detox drinks, etc. And you might have also browsed through tons of claims about how awesome one brand is over the other, right?

So many brands and ten times the claims make it difficult to choose one over the other. Plus, each product comes with its own set of instructions which at times can be difficult to comprehend. Thus, we decided to share a detailed list of the best ways to pass an employment drug test. We will also tell you about the best product you should have a look at.

The best way to pass a pee drug examination is with the help of a fake urine model, but make sure you use the best synthetic urine kit. The fake pee sample will always fail the test. The only way it could fail is if the temperatures of the bogus sample is wrong. If the temperature lies outside the 90 to100 degree Fahrenheit range, then the phony urine hear would fail.

Of all the brands, there are 2 that are the most-preferred. Let’s tell you more about both.

Clear Choice Sub Solution’ is touted to be the best synthetic urine kit available in the market. It contains all the chemicals that are present in human urine such as uric acid, urea, and all other 13 chemicals. So, when a urine sample is sent to the lab for checking, there are minute chances of you being caught, if these chemicals are present in the synthetic urine.

Also, the Clear Choice urine doesn’t contain biocide, which are chemicals that are added in products for their preservation and almost all brands in the market contain biocides. Hence Clear Choice is a firm with an excellent reputation and trust among the customers.

The sub solution is quite easy to use, just follow these simple steps:

· Fill a plastic bottle with warm water

· Add the urine powder and mix until the solution becomes clear in nature.

Clear Choice Sub solution is one of the very few synthetic urine brands available in the market, which can actually fail the testing lab’s systems. If you are on a job and you have a drug test on very short notice and you don’t even have time for a detox drink, then you can

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So, that’s how you pass a drug test for THC. Let us know in the comments which is your favorite synthetic urine brand and if you have tried the Macujo method.