Hallwang Clinic
Private Oncology Clinic in Dornstetten, Deutschland
Hallwang Clinic
Private Oncology Clinic in Dornstetten, Deutschland
Hallwang Private Oncology Clinic is situated in the lovely Black Forest of Southern Germany, and offers a range of personalised treatment strategies tailored to meet the patient´s individual needs as part of a comprehensive and holistic treatment program.
Our mission is to design a personalized treatment plan for every patient.
Our extensive diagnostic procedures enables targeted and tumor-specific treatment. Special diagnostics include special hemotological tests, Next-Generation-Sequencing and screening for tumor-associated antigens (TAA-Screening), which allows for specific vaccination strategies. Imaging procedures are also performed, as needed.
The aim of the Hallwang Private Oncology Clinic is to find the best treatment strategy for each individual, and not exclude any patient from a treatment protocol because of the factors mentioned beforehand.
At the Hallwang Private Oncology Clinic, our focus is on individualized treatment concepts for all patients, based on the specific information that we retrieve from in-depth diagnostic tumor tests. These tests provide information on surface markers and individual mutations presented by the patient’s tumor cells. Identification of these markers, mutations, translocations, amplifications, etc. allows us to specifically target them through a broad range of therapeutic options – depending on the outcome. You have to look at the tumor itself to understand what targeted treatment the patient needs. A treatment that might work for one cancer patient does not necessarily work for another patient, even though they have both the “same “ type of cancer.
Once we get to know you personally at the HPOC, we can work together on your individualized and personalized treatment strategy. You are unique, and so is your treatment. At HPOC.