Hanif Ahmad Khan

Youth Minister for Human Rights Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and National Youth Assembly Pakistan in Charsadda, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Call +923119231803

M.Phil. Project Management

In 2020 I joined Civil Defense organization Pakistan as a Head warden volunteer and I worked during COVID-19 and flood and after 2 years I got silver Medal from Director General of Civil Defense Pakistan in recognition of my voluntarily services.

I also got token of appreciation from prime minister of Pakistan in recognition of my voluntarily services during COVID-19. I also got award Of Appreciation from Directorate of Youth Affairs of my province Khyber Pakhtunkwa.

I had many voluntarily projectswith different INGO's such as with UN in UNEP (United nation environment program), British Council, NCA(Norwegian Church Aid), Australian Aid, German Cooperation and WHh. some of them are as follow:

1.Social Action Project On Minorities Rights by British Council Pakistan.

2.Minorities women Representation/Participation in Local Elections 2021 with NCA Norwegian Church

3.Strengthening the socio-economic resilience of Youth by promoting their economic self-reliance in three provinces of Pakistan.

4. My work on Climate change:

My work with the UNEP as a social media activator in the Anatomy of Action challenge campaign focused on promoting responsible consumption and production practices.

Additionally, I emphasized the need for sustainable forestry practices such as reforestation, avoiding deforestation, and using sustainable wood products.

Participating in the Climate Change and Smart Cities Infrastructures E-Mobility event as a youth defender helped me gain insights into how promoting sustainable land-use practices, including regenerative agriculture and agroforestry, can help mitigate climate change and support sustainable food production.

Currently, as a volunteer with the Pakistan Youth Biodiversity Network.

5. As Delegate at LCOY 2023 (Local conference of Youth on climate)

6. Ambassador: at Right To Public service commission Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (RTS-KP)

7. Ambassador: Global Program on Sport for Development

A dynamic initiative by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

  • Work
    • Member National Youth Assembly
  • Education
    • M.phil. Project Management
    • Abasyn University Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa