Hansjoerg Posch

Father and Entrepreneur in Vienna, Austria

Having fun with the family, meet interesting people, identify unique opportunities, build great companies and teams, develop exciting & useful products, handle unexpected challenges, try to get some sleep - that's my everyday live!

My current ventures

Der STANDARD Marketplaces (jobs, immobilien, finden.at) - CTO/Member of the Executive Board

My previous ventures

Styria Media Group (Presse, Kleine Zeitung, willhaben) - CTO Styria Digital Services

BurdaStudios (BUNTE.de, FocusTV…) - CTO (Insight Blog)

abb media solutions - Monetize adblocker users

moosify Dating, part of the P7S1 family

tunesBag.com Cloud music Service

openteamware Open source CRM