Paul Hardy

I am currently the Product Manager of a new an innovative website for Australian medical professionals called doctorportal. The platform is integrated with a medical database of over 70,000 records that provides both a secure authentication for doctors and the opportunity to surface relevant medical information, such as research and medico-political news, elearning for professional development or other services developed from the database for peer-to-peer collaboration, based on the doctor profile.

My background is one of inquisitiveness. I grew up asking a lot of questions, I was incredibly curious as to how things worked.

For the past 20 years my curiosity has prevailed and I have held a number of positions that has provided me with a broad background of knowledge from creating new product or services to sales and business strategy. With the onset of the digital revolution I figured the only way to truly understand digital was to get hands on. So I started my own company developing some simple websites with ecommerce using various platforms available such as Joomla, Wordpress, Magento and Virtuemart, and learning how to use Google analytics and AdWord campaigns. I've since taken this knowledge to work in various industries experiencing digital transformation.

My passion is creating value for audiences through the delivery of relevant, trust-worthy and useful content in platforms and services that serve to help people learn or progress in their purpose, whilst simultaneously providing a marketing opportunity for 3rd parties to advertise.

Outside of work I'm a keen sailor spending most Saturday's as part of teams racing yachts off-shore or in one-design regattas, and I completed my inaugural Sydney to Hobart race in 2014