Haroon Collier

Cape Town, Western Cape

" Some of the greatest threats facing our youth both globally and especially on the Cape Flats are gang-banging, substance-abuse, narcotics, violent crime, unemployment get rich quick schemes and fast-lane lifestyles. As a visual artist I try and engage with the youth, especially the one's who are marginalised and living on the periphery of society. These kids are usually found in foster- care, reformataries, school of industries, kids who are either awaiting trial or imprisoned, the so-called juvenile delinquent and the young ghetto kid who's mind has become vulnerable and outlook impressionable. Through the visual arts I try and divert or channel their pent-up anger, frustration and agression into positive and beautiful creations of art. The critical aspect is to illustrate to kids that you can generate an income using visual art, it can become the medium of your message. Young boys and girls are encouraged to become independent thinking, goal-driven, young entrepreneurs as there is nothing more powerful than owning one's own business. If I am able to impact just one kid, then I have made a difference in someone's life for the better. !" .......

#artist #agentofchange #activist #rebelradicalrevolutionary #grassroots

  • Work
    • Freelance Artist
  • Education
    • Wittebome Senior Secondary
    • Ruth Prowse School of Art
    • cape college