Harrison Jones

Saint Paul, MN

Harrison Jones

Saint Paul, MN

Hello world! As the page clearly shows my name is Harrison Jones. I have a 2 year degree in American Sign Language and am currently pursuing my second degree in Psychology. When I first heard about this site I automatically wanted to sign up! At the tender age of 24 there is one thing I've come to realize in life: being anything less than yourself is unacceptable... I've spent many years searching: searching for love, the right crowd to belong to, companion and friendships...etc. ive wasted years and years trying to belong to something or someone and the end result to many of these quests....FAILURE. I'm done with that shit....for the first time in my life I'm discovering who Harrison Jones really is and not caring what anyone thinks of it. I used to look in the mirror and see a collage of things of what Harrison Jones wanted to be...now I look in the mirror and see who Harrison Jones really is: a father, a poet, a model/actor, a lover, a friend. I love me and I'm comfortable with it! I'm not asking for anyone to give me a free pass in life...but I am asking that if you really wanna get to know me...than follow along as I continue this journey...this Journey about....me ; )

  • Education
    • Augsburg College
    • Saint Paul College