Yancey Harvey

Bar Harbor Maine

There is a masonry structure running straight up the middle of many of your homes. It is called a chimney. It is very important. Please pay very close attention to it. Your chimney is supposed to prevent toxic gasses, blistering heat, and damaging moisture from entering your living space. But it may have been built 100 years ago. Or it may have been built 10 years ago with inferior technology. Let me take a look at it and let you know. I dedicate my life to people's safety by making their chimney as safe and structurally sound as possible. I believe there are 6 services that help make your chimney a fortress. Sweeping Inspection Lining Waterproofing Flashing Capping Visit my website for a detailed explanation of each. http://maineyankeechimney.weebly.com/

  • Work
    • Maine Yankee Chimney Services
  • Education
    • Chiney Safety Institute of America